ECOVACS “DEEBOT T10 Omni” Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner

If you’ve yet to spring for a robot vacuum cleaner for one reason or another, the new DEEBOT T10 Omni robovac from ECOVACS — released just this week alongside its lower-tier T9+ and N10+ siblings — could be the model that will finally get you in the game.

While it’s great that this automatic cleaning gizmo offers an impressive 5,000Pa of suction power and can perform double-duty as both a vacuum and a mop, what makes the T10 Omni truly special is…

  1. Its AI-powered object recognition and path planning capabilities, which are aided by LIDAR and dToF sensors akin to the technologies self-driving cars use. This thing is stellar at mapping out everything it comes across in your home, identifying obstacles, flooring types, cords, and other hazards along the way — even in the dark.
  2. The self-emptying dustbin, self-refilling mop water tank, and self-cleaning/heat-drying functionality after mopping, all of which are handled by its docking station.
  3. The built-in voice assistant (“Yiko”) that can be given commands to clean specific spots in the house, leave or return to its base station, attend to self-cleaning tasks, re-map your home, give you verbal status updates about its battery level/current task/volume level/etc, and more.


There are plenty of other noteworthy bells and whistles I could get into — like the ability to remotely view your home through the vacuum’s front camera in real time so you can check on pets and things — but suffice to say this smart bot vacuum is an awesome investment.

You can get the ECOVACS T10 Omni for $900 on Amazon. There’s also a $1K starter kit that includes a number of accessories like replacement brushes, filters, mopping pads, and dust bags.