’60 Mac Tips, Volume 2′ by David Sparks and Brett Terpstra
David “MacSparky” Sparks and Brett Terpstra have teamed up to release 60 Mac Tips, Volume 2, the sequel to their original 2012 ebook. This new volume of tips and tricks features 60 screencasts and two hours of video to help make you a ninja on your Mac:
Among these 60 screencasts are tips on macOS, Siri for the Mac, using the keyboard, Spotlight, Automator, Safari, Mail, Apple Notes, Apple Photos, Terminal Tips, and third-party apps.
Watch the trailer, which shares a few free Mac tips to give you a taste of what the full book offers:
Get it on the iBookstore for $20, or you can check out the Vimeo-on-Demand version, which offers 3 hours’ worth of episodic streaming video.