Phone Clean for Mac — Free Up Space on iOS
I recently looked at my iPhone’s usage statistics and noticed Spotify was using 1.1 GB. For an app that is supposed to be about streaming music—I don’t download anything locally—that seemed like a lot.
I’ve run into this situation before. Over time, Dropbox and Google Drive can grow to 800-900 MB without much effort. I used to deal with this by deleting the app and reinstalling it. Then someone on Twitter told me about iMobie’s Phone Clean.
I normally stay away from apps like this because they could break something or simply not work. To my surprise, Phone Clean was very thorough and found quite a few things to remove. It does a great job clearing caches, temporary files, interrupted downloads, and more. The only negative was that I had to re-download a few podcast episodes.
Before using this app, I was usually at 1 GB of free space. I run this every every few months and have 6-7 GB of free space now.
Get it from iMobie for $29.99.